In today’s episode, join Aimee and Joan MacMillan to learn all you need to know about Psychological Health and Safety.

We are currently facing a mental health epidemic at work. Meanwhile, the average health and safety practitioner is expected to know everything about everything and be able to implement all of it even without having the expertise or resources to hire out for it.
Knowing this, in this episode, we bring to you the information and guidance that you need to acquire the tools, skills, and abilities that will allow you to create the change you need in your workplace.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- The important factors to consider and ways to implement a psychologically healthy and safe workplace
- Why just implementing the CSA standard is not enough
- Ways to measure mental wellbeing in the workplace
- What mindfulness truly is and its benefits
- The right kind of systems to implement for diversity
- How self-work and emotional intelligence can make you a better leader and create change in the workplace
The Transmit Safety Podcast is here to help health and safety practitioners achieve a holistic approach to workplace health and safety so they can become impactful leaders and put the value of safety into action.
Resources and links
Today’s episode was sponsored by Transmit Safety, a consulting business that helps to streamline and simplify health and safety management systems through education, program development, audits, and coaching.
To better understand why we do the things that we do, even when maybe we know we shouldn’t, check out Joan’s Emotional Intelligence and Evolved Decision-Making Course.
To work with Aimee, go to
For more of the Transmit Safety Podcast, go to
Quotes from this episode
“…we have dehumanized the workplace as much as we possibly can, and the only way to deal with this mental health epidemic, particularly at work, is to reinvest in the humans.” Joan MacMillan
“…we have too many people in positions of leadership or positions of power […] making decisions that impact other people who just do not have the skills and abilities necessary to recognize how those actions decisions, words, impact those people around them.” Joan MacMillan
“…Mindfulness for me is just being aware of where you are emotionally, and what’s driving your decisions, what’s driving your behaviors, and being able to say: ‘Where am I in this space, right now?’” Aimee Arsenault
“but a general workplace? It doesn’t always consider those people who are neurodiverse or people who have alternate needs. And that’s, again, where the issue lies, [it] is that we’ve got to stop ‘systemizing’, we’ve got to get back to people.” Joan MacMillan
Connect with Joan MacMillan
Joan is the founder and director of Cammac Learning Evolution and a subject matter expert in all areas of human behavior, emotional intelligence, and Occupational Health & Safety.
LinkedIn: Cammac Learning Evolution Inc.
Instagram: @cammaclearningevolution
Connect with Aimee Arsenault
Aimee Arsenault is a CRSP and CHSC. She is the founder of Transmit Safety, a business that helps you simplify and streamline health & safety management systems.
Linkedin: Aimee Arsenault
Twitter: @transmitsafety