In today’s episode of Transmit Safety, Aimee talks about what factors you should consider when updating and improving your manual.

The term continuous improvement is used all the time within Health and Safety, but when it comes to our own Health and Safety manuals, we seem to be quite reluctant about making changes.
Tune in to today’s episode, where I will guide you through the 5 factors that influence your Health and Safety manual. We will dive into some conversational points about them to help you recognize their impact and what you should keep in mind when updating your manual, as well as to give you tools to deal with the tricky parts of the process.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- #1 The complainers
- #2 The collective process of legislation and industry standards
- #3 The client requirements
- #4 Business changes
- #5 YOU
The Transmit Safety Podcast is here to help health and safety practitioners achieve a holistic approach to workplace health and safety so they can become impactful leaders and put the value of safety into action.
Resources and links
Today’s episode was sponsored by Transmit Safety, a consulting business where I help streamline and simplify health and safety management systems through education, program development, audits, and coaching.
For more information about how to work with Aimee, go to
For more on the Transmit Safety Podcast, go to
Facts and Sources
– 48% of adult Canadians have literacy skills that fall below a high school level, negatively affecting their ability to function at work and in their personal lives.
– 17% function at the lowest level, where they may, for example, be unable to read the dosage instructions on a medicine bottle.
And, “even modest investments in workplace literacy and essential skills training can translate into substantial gains in workers’ skills and job performance, as well as increases in employment, earnings, job retention, productivity, and costs savings from reduced errors and waste.”
Source: UPSKILL Health – Technical Report on worker and business outcomes: Social Research and Demonstration Corporation, 2016).
Quotes from this episode
“Your primary audience is the one doing the work. And your Health and Safety Manual needs to be for them. It needs to be easily understood, putting that paper into practice.”
“Every time somebody asks you a question about the application of the words on the paper or the policy, the procedure, that’s an indication there could be room for improvement.”
“Don’t feel like you have to carry everything. […] Just because you can carry the weight of things doesn’t mean that it’s not heavy. […] Sometimes we need to realize that it’s okay to ask for help.”
Connect with Aimee Arsenault
Aimee Arsenault is a CRSP and CHSC. She is the founder of Transmit Safety, a business that helps you simplify and streamline health & safety management systems.
Linkedin: Aimee Arsenault
Twitter: @transmitsafety