In today’s episode of Transmit Safety, join Aimee and Carole-Anne Chung to learn more about the claims management WCB process.

Carole-Anne and I met years and years and years ago through WCB (Workers’ Compensation Board) claims management, through her consulting business, and through volunteering in the Alberta health and safety world.
We’ve reconnected recently and I remember learning so much about claims management from her way back in the day, I would love for the listeners to have the opportunity of learning from her as well.
Claims management can be complicated and daunting but Carole-Anne shares her expertise and advice with us in today’s episode to make it easier to understand.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- Carole-Anne’s advice for those new to managing the return to work programs within their organization
- Gaps she often sees within companies’ health and management systems
- When do you need to recognize that something is outside of your competency?
- Dealing with confidentiality
- Carole-Anne’s ideal claims management process
The Transmit Safety Podcast is here to help health and safety practitioners achieve a holistic approach to workplace health and safety so they can become impactful leaders and put the value of safety into action.
Resources and links
Visit the WCB website for Alberta or find the WBC website for your province here.
Today’s episode was sponsored by Transmit Safety, a consulting business where I help streamline and simplify health and safety management systems through education, program development, audits, and coaching.
If you’d like to join the next cycle of Upgrade and Optimize a group coaching program, go to:
Want to receive weekly content that will help you become the Health & Safety leader you want to be and stay up to date with me and Sir Reginald? Plug into the Transmit Safety Newsletter here.
Quotes from this episode
“We have to also just keep in mind with management that they have heard well-told stories […] And so it’s easy to paint everybody with the same brush. So I think it’s about management having positive communications about employees, and making sure that our plans are well communicated, management has improved them, and we’re talking about them in safety meetings so that there’s no surprise here.”
“When you’re doing your internal investigation, how often do you only ever have one cause at the worker level, and that’s it. And you stop your investigation period. Right? There’s gonna be multiple.”
“Get informed. There are two different sides. There’s the WCB perspective, which is workers, and also the employers perspective.”
Connect with Carole-Anne Chung
Carole-Anne Chung (BA, CRSP, NCSO) is a consulting health & safety professional based in Alberta, Canada. She is a director at AGC Professional Resources Ltd where she has worked since 2007. Additionally, she is an External Consultant Auditor for ACSA Certificate of Recognition (COR) audits. Audits completed reflect different industries within Alberta and range from small, family-based to national and international companies.
Carole-Anne is a team lead for the Experiential Practice Review Committee with the Alberta Society of Health and Safety Professionals (ASHSP) and a regular member of the Edmonton Regional Safety Committee in association with the ACSA subcommittees.
LinkedIn: Carole-Anne Chung
Connect with Aimee Arsenault
Aimee Arsenault is a CRSP and CHSC. She is the founder of Transmit Safety, a business that helps you simplify and streamline health & safety management systems.
Linkedin: Aimee Arsenault
Twitter: @transmitsafety