The first episode of Transmit Safety introduces Aimee and Transmit Safety.

Transmit Safety is a philosophy. It’s a mindset and intentional way of communicating occupational health and safety.
I’m Aimee Arsenault, your host. Sure, I could start by telling you my work history and my educational background, but I think the most important part of listening to a podcast is getting to know the host and hearing if the vibe is right for you.
So, we’re doing this on episode 01 of Transmit Safety. Thanks for listening!
In this episode:
- [00:52] Get to know Aimee Arsenault and Transmit Safety
- [04:02] Why I am starting a podcast about workplace health and safety
- [06:12] Why I dislike the term Safety Culture
- [07:57] What we’re going to talk about in the Transmit Safety Podcast
The Transmit Safety Podcast is here to help health and safety practitioners achieve a holistic approach to workplace health and safety to become impactful leaders and put the value of safety into action.
Resources and links
Today’s episode was sponsored by Transmit Safety, a consulting business where I help streamline and simplify health and safety management systems through education, program development, audits, and coaching.
For more information about how to work with Aimee, go to
For more on the Transmit Safety Podcast, go to
Quotes from this episode
“I’m Aimee, CRSP, CHSC, and I’m here to help you simplify and streamline health and safety management systems.”
“Many of us are starting our career alone in companies without that internal support system, lacking a mentor who can help guide us along the way, or at least help figure out how you managed to step in the shit this time around.”
“Healthy and safe workplaces should not be complicated.”
Connect with Aimee Arsenault
Aimee Arsenault is a CRSP and CHSC. She is the founder of Transmit Safety, a business that helps you simplify and streamline health & safety management systems.
Linkedin: Aimee Arsenault
Twitter: @transmitsafety